Sjuksköterskeföreningen i Finland rf (SFF)

is the first nurses’ association in the Nordic countries, founded in 1898 in Helsinki. 

SFF is a non-profit organization for nurses. The purpose of the association is to participate in increasing the professional knowledge and skills of nurses, occupational nurses, midwives and paramedics and to promote the development of nursing work and the implementation of nursing research.
Registered nurses, occupational nurses, midwives and paramedics and students for these degrees can be accepted as members of the association. The membership fee is 30 € and membership is free for students.

The association is formed by a board with a representative from each regional association and a chairman. The council is the association’s highest decision-making body, whose term of office is three years. The association has an executive director.

Follow us on Facebook Sjuksköterskeföreningen i Finland rf (SFF) and on Instagram nursefinland.

There are eight independent regional associations in Sjuksköterskeföreningen:

  • SF i Åboland
  • SF på Åland
  • SF i Västra Nyland
  • SF i Östra Nyland
  • SF i Helsingfors med omnejd
  • SF i Mellersta Österbotten
  • SF i Vasa
  • SF i Sydösterbotten